Friday, May 25, 2012

My Reflection

When  I started this class three months  I was a average reader.  I thought that the class was going to be boring, but to my surprise it was not. . Over the last 3 months I have learned how to analazye  and comprehend what I read  better,by using the tools that I learned in this class. I have become more a  critical reader now, looking  for what the author or writer wants me to know about a  article or literature. Having  the book  tens  steps to improving college reading skills  has help me alot and I can always refer  back to  it and practice. I like using talking to text  method on  information Im not familiar with. My attitude has change and thought  about reading, now having a better format to guide me. I will  use it to help my teenager to better  her reading skills and comprehension.

Friday, May 18, 2012

My Argument

The use of the  internet has its  draw backs for seventy five percent of  the Amercian people  in today society.Fisrt of all ,our communication interacting with people has become less do to the services that the internet provides.Secondly, challenges the traditional eduacational methods ,schooling impose  strict behaving  and learning. Created web site for chatting and the use of google tool bar directory for anything you  want or need.Third  it has crippled  from using our brain more, for instanct solving problem, old fashion  way  of  doing researches, our behavior habits  has change and less excising to stay healthier.

Finally, technology has become our daily form of communicating with each other through internet, email ,blog , facebook just to name a few. If  it was taking away from us, alot of people would be lost. New generation do not know anything but modern  technology .